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The Global

Bridegroom Fast

"Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?  But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them then they will fast."

Matthew 9:15​


We have been encouraging our congregation to fast the first three days of each month, not realizing that this fast has a name - "The Global Bridegroom Fast."  The International House of Prayer has encouraged Christians worldwide to participate in this fast since 2002.  


We hope this regular fast will help us to maintain the discipline, unity, humility, and joy of fasting and prayer.  We join with our brothers and sisters around the world in praying for our Father's Kingdom to come and for His will to be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven.


We will slightly adjust the timing of our monthly fast to coincide with the Global Bridegroom Fast which is held the first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of every month 


Note that as with all fasts, this is a VOLUNTARY fast.  Participants can choose what they wish to fast from, whether it be all foods, certain foods, social media, etc...


Please continue to pray that the words that have been spoken over our particular church and community to come to pass.  To read some of these words and to add them to your prayers, click here




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