Our Church Covenant
Commitment to the Body of Christ at Wilkens Avenue Mennonite Church
We desire to commit ourselves to our brothers and sisters who are part of the body of Christ at Wilkens Avenue.
In order to live as followers of Jesus, we covenant with these our friends, to encourage each other and hold each other up in prayer. We also commit ourselves to open communication and to confessions of weaknesses in order that we may live in the light of Christ. We will make this accountability practical by being regularly and intimately involved in a small group of two or more, such as a care group.
We will take this accountability seriously and recognize that God wants to use these people to surround us, to build us up, to correct us, to speak into our lives, to carry our burdens, and in every way to shower us with true love as practiced by Jesus.
We recognize that there are different ways to interpret the Bible. However, in an attempt to live in unity with our sisters and brothers, we agree to study, practice, and support the principles of Scripture as interpreted in the Mennonite Confession of Faith as much as is possible. When our conscience differs with the written statement, we will discuss it with our sisters and brothers in order to gain and share understanding and to keep our differences in the light. When differences in interpretation threaten to divide us, we understand that in keeping with our commitment to hear the counsel of our sisters and brothers, we may need to honor the position of the Body.
How do I become a member?
If I am a new Christian:
See the pastor to discuss preparation for baptism and membership
Choose a mentor
Sign the covenant (written above) – it is placed at the back of the church
If I am already a Christian and want to move my membership from another church:
Meet with a leader to discuss areas of difference and commonality
If possible, obtain a letter of transfer from previous congregation
Sign the covenant
How do I remain a member?
Sign the covenant annually
Continue to fulfill the commitments made by signing the covenant:
Encourage each other
Pray for each other
Communicate openly
Confess your weaknesses
Be involved in a small group (or care group)
Study, practice, and support the principles of Scripture as interpreted in the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective
Honor the position of the church when there is a strong disagreement